The Hollows

Deep within the vast ocean of District 2 lay a secret that had been veiled from the rest of the Dome for centuries. A cave system, concealed from documented existence by the elite. This secret was trusted to a select few, as a broad knowledge of this atrocity would unravel the very fabric of society, if revealed.

Centuries ago, during an era when District 1 and 2 reigned supreme, hundreds of residents were forcibly relocated to the cave system. The criteria for banishment, those who deviated from the sanctioned beliefs or didn’t belong to “pure” bloodlines, faced exile. Families, entire lineages, the elderly, and the young, none were spared. Erasing them from history became a priority of these short-sighted fools, wiping a legacy from memory. With one giant purge, these outcasts were forcibly herded, deep within the depths of an unmapped sector of District 2. The pure-blooded elite sealed the underground entrance, their exit, with the “Cavaners” imprisoned without recourse. Left with meager supplies and rudimentary equipment, of which the elite professed as humane, their existence in the caves appeared bleak, a condemned life sentence from the upper world.

However, as time passed and supplies dwindled, a group of forward-thinking Cavaners embarked on an exploratory mission. Their goal, to map the labyrinthine depths of the caves in search of a way back to the surface world. What they eventually discovered surpassed their wildest imaginations.

The caves, initially perceived as a desolate prison, unfurled into a colossal network of interconnected tunnels. Deep within their depths, astonishing ecosystems thrived within. Caverns with crystalline lakes teeming with rudimentary life, fertile soils nurturing edible vegetation, and a complex interplay of bioluminescent flora and fauna that adorned the cave walls. Unprecedented discoveries awaited them as they mapped the myriad of possible habitation zones. Precious metals embedded in the rocks, sub-ocean vents pumped high-levels of oxygen, and an unknown power source pulsed through rock with incomprehensible energy.

The revelation of this hidden ecosystem catalysed a profound shift within the Cavaners. What was once a hopeless existence now brimmed with promise and opportunity. Utilising their collective knowledge and skills could create a new found existence, one separated from the upper world and their brutal ideals.

Over time resourceful minds among them cultivated the fertile soil, establishing sustainable agriculture to support their growing community. They devised innovative methods to fish in the luminescent lakes and carefully managed their surroundings to preserve the delicate balance of their newfound ecosystem.

The discovery of the mysterious power source sparked a wave of ingenuity among the Cavaners. Visionaries tinkered with harnessing this energy, envisioning technological advancements that could revolutionise their underground lives and potentially bridge the chasm between their existence and the surface world.

However, their newfound prosperity wasn’t without challenges. Uncharted regions of the caves harboured unknown dangers. Creatures and insects posed life threatening threats, while the delicate balance of their ecosystem demanded constant vigilance and protection.

As their underground society flourished through decades of prosperity, so did a sense of identity among the Cavaners. They shed their roles as forsaken outcasts and embraced their status as resilient pioneers, shaping their destiny in this hidden world. Over the passage of years, the animosity and rage ebbed away, transforming into a fable passed down from generation to generation.

The Cavaners lives had become comfortable, however: the future of their society teetered on the brink. It had been decades since a team of intrepid scouts discovered a passage to the upper world, a revelation entrusted to only a select few. The majority of both upper and lower worlds existed in blissful ignorance of each other, prompting a profound question to echo through those with knowledge. How long can they can keep these secrets?

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